Thursday, May 28, 2020

How to Manage Covid19 Stress

Anxiety is a normal and valid reaction to uncertainty and things that may harm us. For most of us, the COVID-19 illness has led to a lot of uncertainty and stress about our future. Here are some ways to manage your stress during this difficult time which will help you in developing a spirit to counter the ill effects of this virus.
Consult Dr. Arunesh Kumar Senior Consultant in Paras Hospital
Click here to know more: or call us @+91-9069068800

Friday, May 22, 2020

Common Causes of Chronic Cough

A chronic cough is more than just an annoyance. A chronic cough can interrupt your sleep and leave you feeling exhausted. Severe cases of chronic cough can cause vomiting, lightheadedness, and even rib fractures. A chronic cough can have a big impact on your life, though. It can keep you awake at night and distract you from work and your social life. The most common causes of a chronic cough are:
Consult Dr. Arunesh Kumar Senior Consultant in Paras Hospital to learn more about cough Problems.
Click here to know more: or call us @+91-9069068800

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Tips to Tackle Covid19 For COPD Patient

People with severe COPD may have a higher risk of COVID-19 complications as COVID-19 affects the respiratory system. Existing lung damage means it is more difficult for the lungs to fight off an infection. The #COVID19 infection is highly dangerous for people with #COPD. This is the time when you must take great care of your health by following proper hygiene and precautionary measures.
Consult Dr. Arunesh Kumar Senior Consultant in Paras Hospital to learn more about copd Problems.
Click here to know more: or call us @+91-9069068800

Saturday, May 2, 2020

Dr. Arunesh Kumar Paras HospitaL Gurgaon


At Paras Healthcare, our aim is patient safety first. To make our hospitals ‘Safe Hospitals’, we ensure stringent infection control protocols are maintained in the hospital premises, our staff wears proper masks and PPEs while interacting with patients.
Our super specialists are available for OPD Consultation or opt for a video consultation.